First published in Westward Quarterly


The New Day                                                

Declare his kindnesses                                                

to the morning glories.                                      

Shout out His goodness                                         

to picturesque rainbows.

Listen to bluebirds sing 

of his abiding love.


Rejoice and behold the

majesty of His creations.

Behold the joyful cry of a

newborn to His kingdom.

Cry out with His praises

for all creatures to hear.


The planted seed rises up

in gentle praise of His light.

Golden wheat dances in waves

to the sweet taste of His rains.

Hills of sturdy vines bear

harvests rich in His name.


Blankets of stars across the heavens

boast of His continuous light.

A harvest moon rises over teeming 

seas to recall His abiding watch.

Choral voices announce the new day

in refrains of the promises He has made.


Be of good cheer and praise His name.

In heaven God reigns in splendid grandeur.